Gift Planning

Tax ID #04-1988945

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Perennial Circle

The Perennial Circle recognizes the foresight and generosity of our friends who have arranged a bequest or planned gift to New England Botanic Garden at Tower Hill. Your membership allows us to honor you and your commitment to our mission of creating experiences with plants that inspire people and improve the world. Perennial Circle members enjoy opportunities for contunued learning and experiences at the Garden, including:

  • Invitations to the annual Paul E. Rogers Memorial Lecture, exhibitions, and special tours.
  • An annual event with the CEO and members of the senior horticultural staff.
  • Public recognition in Perennial Circle listings. If you would prefer to remain anonymous, please contact the advancement office.
  • Flowering Plants will be planted in your honor along the Perennial Path, an area of the Gardens for reflection and remembrance.
  • The perennial circle flyer can be found here.

If you have already included New England Botanic Garden at Tower Hill in your estate plans, please let us know so we can recognize your generosity. If not, we would be happy to discuss your goals and how a legacy gift may work for you. Before making an estate gift, we recommend seeking independent professional legal, accounting or investment council.

Sally Stanton
508-869-6111 x103
[email protected]

New England Botanic Garden at Tower Hill
P.O. Box 598, 11 French Drive
Boylston, MA 01505
